Healing, Recovery and Reverence For The
Black Female Body & Divine Feminine Within

Healing, Recovery and Reverence For The
Black Female Body & Divine Feminine Within

For Black women, our bodies have become a battleground booby trapped with trauma that lives in our hearts, our wombs and our pussies.

Unlike many other groups of women, Black women carry the weight of being “strong”. This myth of the “Black Super Woman” dehumanizes us and doesn’t give us space to be soft or heal. This trauma lives in our bodies and is destroying our health and well being.

The Stats

Black women are 2-3x more likely to have fibroids, to have them at a younger age and to have larger fibroids. Black women also get hysterectomies at a higher rate than other women.

Among Black women ages 20 and older, nearly 59% have cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular diseases kill more than 50,000 Black women annually. Stroke is a leading cause of death among Black women.

Black women also have higher rates of weathering, chronic accumulation of stress in the body. Our bodies, our wombs and our hearts bear too much and it is making us sick and killing us.

We live not only with our trauma but with ancestral trauma.

Black women’s bodies were literally sold on the auction block. Black women’s wombs were made to be factories of production during slavery, where the precious fruit of her womb was often sold away and torn from her arms.The bodies of Black women were butchered and experimented on in the name of science and medicine.

We can probably never truly account for the trauma and horror that Black women’s bodies experienced during slavery and colonization.

This course attempts to put the Black woman’s body back where it belongs, where it existed for thousands of years, ON THE ALTAR!

It is the Black pussy that gave birth to humanity. It is the Black Goddess who was worshiped for millenia around the world.

Through ancient and modern somatic practices we will reclaim the Black female body. We place an emphasis on healing the Black woman’s connection to her sexuality by elevating and deepening her connection with her sacred pussy.

This course attempts to put the Black woman’s body back where it belongs, where it existed for thousands of years, ON THE ALTAR!

It is the Black pussy that gave birth to humanity. It is the Black Goddess who was worshiped for millenia around the world.

Through ancient and modern somatic practices we will reclaim the Black female body. We place an emphasis on healing the Black woman’s connection to her sexuality by elevating and deepening her connection with her sacred pussy.

“Pussy worship” is a term that has become pornographic and obscene. I am reclaiming it and adding “Sacred” to it so that we might reconnect with that pure, innocent, raw, primal power that is the erotic feminine life force.

The female genitalia and reproductive organs have been worshiped and revered through various indigenous cultures throughout millenia. Ancient iconography featured various representations for the female genitals and in places like India, yoni puja was a special ceremony that gave offerings to yoni icons. In Africa, female divinities were often featured with bare breasts and wide hips symbolizing her fertility.

Our Journey Together

In Sacred Pussy Worship we will go on a 9 week journey to connect to our bodies and our pussies as a resource for ourselves! We will work somatically to gently release trauma and we will awaken the capacity for greater pleasure through sacred sexual practices. These practices will allow us to connect deeper to our bodies, and the feminine essence of our power.

In reclaiming our pussies, and reconnecting and worshiping our own bodies, we not only heal the trauma that sought to separate us from our wholeness, we also reunite with Her–the Goddess within us.

When we are reunited with our divine feminine essence, we unlock creative power and unlimited potential. We become free to live our destiny!

I welcome you back home to your body through this offering of Sacred Pussy Worship. To remember these words, “All that Goddess is I am. I am all that Goddess is.”

During our journey we will drink from the three sacred elixirs of healing: recovery, connection and activation!

Elixir 1: Recovery

Week 1: Decolonize Your Pussy.
We will decolonize our body through looking at the ways Black women’s bodies have been impacted by slavery and colonization. We will go through a practice to reclaim our bodies for ourselves.

Week 2: Ancestral Pussy Recovery.
We will have a healing ritual for our female ancestors and invite them to join us on our healing journey.

Week 3: Release Pussy Wounds.
We will experience a process to release trauma and negative energy from our wombs. We will invite healing energy into our womb space.

Elixir 2: Connection

Week 4: Listen To Your Pussy and Heart.
We will discover the connection between our pussy and heart. We will nourish this connection through massage and meditation.

Week 5: Breathe Your Pussy.
We will practice breathwork to awaken our pussy and connect our energy with the Divine Feminine.

Week 6: Pussy Worship p. 1
We will learn about sacred pussy herbs we can use in womb teas and yoni steams. We will make medicine to heal our pussy.

Elixir 3: Activation

Week 7: Pussy Worship p.2
We will worship our pussy through learning how to connect with her through abdominal and yoni massage. We will explore our pussy’s sensations.

Week 8: Open Your Pussy Power
We will learn the reflexology of the pussy, her orgasmic potential and how to open her with the yoni egg.

Week 9: Sacred Pussy Worship Full Ritual
We will combine all we have learned to experience a Sacred Pussy Worship ritual.

What You Get:

  • Weekly live sessions over Zoom for 9 weeks
  • Private WhatsApp Group
  • Weekly Playbook
  • Access to all recordings for 1 year

Plus These Bonuses:

  • Sacred Pussy Affirmations (PDF)
  • Sacred Pussy Resourcing (video)
  • I CAN Breathe Practice (video and audio)
  • Let That 'Ish Go Practice (video)


Total Value: $5000

You Pay Only:

Regular Price: $1097

Sale Price: $597

Or two payments of: $325

 Or three payments of: $233

Plus These Bonuses:

  • Weekly live sessions over Zoom for 9 weeks
  • Private WhatsApp Group
  • Weekly Playbook
  • Access to all recordings for 1 year

Total Value: $5000

You Pay Only:

Regular Price: $1097

Sale Price: $597

Or two payments of: $325

Sessions will happen live weekly over Zoom
Class begins Monday, July 22nd at 7:30pm EST.










When I began this program I was in a negative place. I had everything from relationship struggles, body image issues, income issues and I was dealing with issues with my children. The most important lesson I gained was having love for myself. I have so many tools for life. I also met a wonderful friend and sister in the class and we are still very close to this day. I have the awareness of seeing a negative pattern, or habit and redirecting it. That is so important for me. I look in the mirror today and I see a Goddess. There isn't a cost you can put on that!

This class was just what I needed on my journey of self love, self care and Tantra. I was excited about each week and each exercise, like a kid in a candy store! This class opened me up to things that had been lying dormant. Money manifested, ideas manifested, and an awakened sex drive manifested. Thank you for sharing your knowledge/gift with me/us. I would encourage others to join. You have so many great nuggets and it's a safe place to learn, share and grow!

I never really thought of my punany power as a means of manifestation. I recently learned the power of my punany prior to the program, but I hadn’t put that to action or ‘’trial’. Through my sensual power, I was able to manifest money to pay my rent. I enjoyed every exercise but if I had to choose one, then I’d say the breasts massage as I anticipated that exercise the week leading up to it. I intentionally would be adoring my breasts in the shower and observe how the water would flow around, on and in-between them. Having to massage them as an exercise has helped heal my fear to touch them and their sensitivity. They’ve always been sore for some reason and I noticed since I started massaging they are not. (A daily routine for me now lol!) The most important healing for me was the shame I used to have when it came to touching my own body. I learned to adore and exalt my body without guilt and shame.

When I began this program I was in a negative place. I had everything from relationship struggles, body image issues, income issues and I was dealing with issues with my children. The most important lesson I gained was having love for myself. I have so many tools for life. I also met a wonderful friend and sister in the class and we are still very close to this day. I have the awareness of seeing a negative pattern, or habit and redirecting it. That is so important for me. I look in the mirror today and I see a Goddess. There isn't a cost you can put on that!

This class was just what I needed on my journey of self love, self care and Tantra. I was excited about each week and each exercise, like a kid in a candy store! This class opened me up to things that had been lying dormant. Money manifested, ideas manifested, and an awakened sex drive manifested. Thank you for sharing your knowledge/gift with me/us. I would encourage others to join. You have so many great nuggets and it's a safe place to learn, share and grow!

I never really thought of my punany power as a means of manifestation. I recently learned the power of my punany prior to the program, but I hadn’t put that to action or ‘’trial’. Through my sensual power, I was able to manifest money to pay my rent. I enjoyed every exercise but if I had to choose one, then I’d say the breasts massage as I anticipated that exercise the week leading up to it. I intentionally would be adoring my breasts in the shower and observe how the water would flow around, on and in-between them. Having to massage them as an exercise has helped heal my fear to touch them and their sensitivity. They’ve always been sore for some reason and I noticed since I started massaging they are not. (A daily routine for me now lol!) The most important healing for me was the shame I used to have when it came to touching my own body. I learned to adore and exalt my body without guilt and shame.

1. Why is this only for Black women?

As I explained, Black women have a very specific experience of trauma that is negatively impacting our health. This course intends to give Black women tools for healing that can support these often unaddressed needs, especially those that impact the body.

2. I'm Biracial, can I join?

Yes, this course is open to all women of African/Black descent including those who are biracial, multiracial and who identify as indigenous. This course centers the experience of women of color whose ancestors were enslaved and/or colonized and were most impacted by European colonization.

3. When are the classes? What if I miss one?

Classes will take place over Zoom on Monday nights at 7:30pm EST and last approximately 90 mins. While it is always best to attend live, recordings will be uploaded into the classroom platform. You will have 1 year access to all recordings.

4. I had a hysterectomy. Is this class right for me?

I have worked with many women who have had their physical uterus removed. While the physical organ may be gone, the psychic/spiritual womb is still intact. This course can help you connect to your womb space in a new way while deepening your connection and sensitivity.

5. Do I have to be nude for this class? I am shy.

We will have certain classes where you will be guided to massage your breasts and your yoni and do other body centered work, however your camera will be off. You are not required at any time to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and no participants' cameras will be on during unclothed exercises.

Have a question not addressed here?
[email protected]

Your Instructor Lady

Shepsa Jones, Sacred Femininity Healer I am Lady Shepsa, a teacher, author, life coach, mother and “juju woman”—one who taps into her magical powers for healing and manifestation.

After experiencing a life changing divorce, I set out to discover the sensual goddess within me. I have spent over ten years studying the spiritual sciences of the African Diaspora, China and India.

When I discovered the goddess in these ancient traditions, my life transformed! I went from being rigid, and sexually repressed, to dancing on stage in booty shorts and fishnet stockings and becoming full body orgasmic!

Since learning to unlock my bliss, I have guided many other women to awaken their inner goddess through my coaching programs and healing retreats in Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Bali.

I am the author of three books, The Goddess Pages, Happy and Healed: Five Steps to Getting Over Any Man and Finding the Love You Deserve, and Nice For What?! How To Go From Being A Good Girl To A Badass Goddess. I am also a certified i2Tantra practitioner with JujuMama LLC, a certified yoga teacher, and certified Sacred Femininty Facilitator through Tao-Tantric Arts. I welcome you to let go and let goddess!

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